When Things Are Grey / by Michael Kerbow

It’s intriguing how certain experiences can result in the creation of a new work of art. Earlier this year I was going through a period of extreme frustration related to a failed relationship. One evening I was at my studio listening to Nine Inch Nails and having a glass of whisky. I decided to make a drawing to process the emotions I was feeling. An idea quickly emerged as I began making random marks on the paper.


This is the drawing that resulted. It does a good job of capturing how I felt at the time. I was feeling trapped and unable to access a different path from the one I found myself on. My agitated state of mind, combined with the music and whisky, resulted in a rather interesting drawing. I thought perhaps it might look good as a monochromatic painting.


Once a year the paint manufacturer, Gamblin Artists Colors, cleans their air filtration system and makes a special grey oil paint from the captured mixture of pigments. Gamblin calls this color Torrit Grey. They then give it to customers who buy their oil paint. I happened to have a few tubes in my studio.


I started by preparing a large piece of canvas. Normally I paint on stretched canvas, but in this circumstance, due to the size I simply tacked it to the wall. I spent several days refining my preliminary drawing. I made sure to leave an empty border around the perimeter so I could later stretch my canvas onto a frame when finished. I then began using my Torrit Grey paint, allowing the graphite in my drawing to mix with the pigment.


Initially, the painting progressed very quickly. I was surprised that I was able to complete the lower half in about a day. However, the rest of the painting took much longer. I suspect this was because my composition grew increasingly complex as it extended into the distance.


The painting proved to be quite popular with visitors to my studio. It sold almost immediately to a European art collector soon after completion. I spent the following week constructing a large stretcher frame for my finished painting. The canvas was then rolled up, and delivered to its new owner, where it was assembled on site.

I call my painting Gridlock. It now hangs on the wall of its new home. I’m pleased with how nice it looks in the space. I think it fills the wall perfectly.
